Nine years ago, PADI® Women's Divers Day started with a simple idea - to encourage more women to scuba dive. Divers with a passion for diving took charge and planned thousands of fun and inspiring events that changed lives and strengthened diving communities around the world. For 8 years, women in 183 countries came together to plant new coral nurseries, clean beaches and underwater, break the world record for the longest female human chain underwater, collect donations for breast cancer research and local women's shelters.

Sunset yoga sessions, leader dives and much more – diving communities participated this year as well in this global celebration that brings everyone together to create balance between humanity and the ocean.
This year, as Nautilus Diving Center, we took part in the PADI WOMEN'S DIVE DAY celebrations. Esra, Fatma, Betül and Deniz & Ece from our boat crew contributed to this cleaning at the Kaş Fener/Underwater Museum diving spot together with our female divers. Among the garbage we removed from the cleaning dive, we encountered the most glass bottles. The reason for this, is the increase in yachts in this region, that is, the increase in the population of people staying. We are waiting for you next year to this fun and awareness-raising event, which will now turn into a Nautilus tradition! In addition to our current divers, we also offered a 50% discount on trial dives to female divers who want to experience diving for the first time. Congratulations to Ayşenur, Nihal, Zuhal, Yağmur, Renkin, Asya and Scarlett who we introduced to the magical world of underwater. We would like to thank our women who were with us on this day we had a great time together, see you in our new events next year!