PADI Courses

This is the first step in becoming a certified diver. After completing your training in 3-4 days, you will join the millions of certified divers who enjoy the pleasures of diving all around the world. The entry level courses consists of Theoretical, Confined Water Practical and Open Water Diving sections. You will learn the basic theorical background of diving in the Theoretical section and will have ample opportunity to practice the basic underwater skills in the Shallow Water section. Finally, you will be able to put into practice what you have learned in the Open Water Diving section.
You have completed your Beginner training and you have many dives registered in your Dive Registry ... You start to feel more comfortable under water with each dive. What you need to do now is to become an Experienced Diver by joining one of the Advanced Level Trainings. Each of our Advanced Level Trainings will open new horizons for you; It will allow you to increase your limits and will help you to make safer, more enjoyable and more comfortable dives.
You have hundreds of dives under your sleeve. You learned your limits... Diving is now an indispensable part of your life.You are a disciplined, confident and responsible diver but up until now, your role has predominantly been to follow other dive leaders.Now it might be the right time for you to put your theoretical and practical knowledge and accumulated experience into becoming a Dive Leader yourself. You might even be thinking of making a Diving Career.Why not join one of our Leadership Level Courses to achieve this dream...
PADI Specialty Courses – many now available with digital learning – give you the tools to enhance your exploration. Discover your unique diving aptitude - deep diving, photography, videography, fish identification, etc.