Do you dive everyday?
Yes, we do dive 365 days of the year. However, please note that between November and March, we plan our dive schedules according to demand. So, please let us know of your diving plans a few days beforehand.
What is the best season to dive in Kaş?
Kaş, having 300 sunny days annually, lets us dive all throughout the year with the exception of stormy days. Air temperature varies between 10 degrees C (in February) and 40 degrees C (in August); and the water temperature is between 14 degrees and 30 degrees. So, weatherwise June-August is the best season; however, Kaş can be a little too much populated in this high season. We recommend that the best time of the year for diving in Kaş would be the months of May or September/October where the temperatures are warm enough and it is not too much crowded.
Does it get too cold for diving in the winter months?
You can use our 5mm or 7mm wetsuits which will provide reasonable protection during diving. Our boat has covered spaces protecting you from the wind and also warm shower facilities which will keep you comfortable after your dives. But please keep in mind that you should bring along warm clothing just in case.
How do you choose which dive sites to visit and can I ask for a specific dive site?
We try to visit a different dive site every time we go out for diving, which helps our guests to have a variety of diving experiences. However, weather and other conditions sometimes dictate which sites have more favorable and safer conditions. The final decision of our daily route is determined by the captain of our boat.
What time do we go out for diving?
We meet at our boat in the harbor at 09:00 am and leave at 09:30 am. We have two departure times between the months of June-September: we go out at 09:30 am and return to Kaş after the first dives at around 1pm and leave again at 3pm for the second dives and return at 5:30pm. Between October and May, we leave at 09:30 am; do the first dives, then change location to a new dive site, do the second dives and return to Kaş around 2pm. Sometimes we can arrange to have 3 dives per day - please contact us if you have such a request.
Do you provide lunch at the boat?
Unfortunately, we do not. However, we offer complimentary snacks and traditional Turkish tea after dives.
Can I rent diving equipment from you?
Yes, of course. We have a large selection of wetsuits, BCDs, regulators, mask-fin-snorkels, dive computers, compass-torch-cameras etc which you can rent from us for an additional fee. Tanks and weights are provided free of charge.
What is included in the dive prices?
Dives from the boat, dive guides, air-filled tanks and weights. Equipment rental and Nitrox tanks are extra.
I will dive for several days with you, can I get a package price?
Of course. You can choose from among our 6, 10 and 20 dive packages.
Can you help us with accommodation?
Just let us know if you want to hear recommendations about the hotels and B&Bs in Kaş. However, please keep in mind that the accommodation prices vary considerably in high season, so act early...
Can I dive on my own?
NO! According to Safe Diving Practices, no diver can dive alone. Nautilus will assign a local dive guide to each dive group and you will dive with them. You can dive in any group you like but as a rule of thumb, we try to group people with similar experience and certification levels together so you will get the most out of your diving experience with us.
Can I bring along non-divers?
Yes, they are most welcome. They can enjoy the sun and the sea or do snorkelling while you are diving. We charge a small fee for non-divers.
I am a certified diver but I do not have my card with me?
By law, we have to check and see your certification level. If you do not have your card with you, we can always check on the internet. Having your dive logbook with you will also help us understanding your experience level.
How many divers in a dive group?
We group the divers according to their certification and experience levels. A dive group usually consists of 4-6 divers led by a local Nautilus dive guide. Each group is expected to dive within the limits of their levels.
Can I use Nitrox?
Yes of course. However, please let us know at least one day in advance. Also, you need to be Nitrox certified. If you are not Nitrox certified yet, please contact one of our staff to learn about the PADI EANx Nitrox course.
Do you provide group discounts?
Yes, we can offer special reduced prices for groups of 10+ divers. Please contact us for details:
Can I do a night dive?
Yes. We organize night dives according to demand (from at least 5 divers). So, if you want to do a night dive on a specific date, please ask the Nautilus staff. We meet at our dive boat in the harbor approximately 1 hour before sunset and start the dive only after it gets dark. You can use your own dive light (torch) or we can provide it for you.